During the growing phases, parents learn more and more about the parenting journey. Breastfeeding is one of the skills that mothers learn along with the baby.

With the proper breastfeeding techniques, the baby and mother successfully latch. It is a time-consuming process, but breastfeeding helps nourish the body systems in infants like anything.

In this blog, we will discuss successful breastfeeding techniques for newborns. We will also discuss the importance of breastfeeding techniques and different positions and attachments.

Tongue Tie in Phoenix offers help to new mothers with their professional lactating consultation guide. Moreover, if you are facing trouble latching and breastfeeding your infant, contact us today and book your slot now.

Our professionals will thoroughly examine the baby’s tongue and lip tie issues and suggest the best.

Read: Does Breastfeeding Make You Tired? Side Effects and Solution

Breastfeeding Techniques Introduction to the Baby

According to the research, the first two weeks after delivery are crucial for the mother and the baby. This is the time when babies develop an attachment with their mothers.

So, the best advice is to get help with baby cores and household chores and focus on learning breastfeeding techniques.

Here are some points that new mothers must understand and implement as their breastfeeding journey begins:

  • Create or set a comfortable nursing station.
  • Find a comfortable position in your room that is relaxing and soothing while nursing your infant.
  • Get your hands on the nursing clothes if you are a private person.
  • Unwrap your baby every time and check their diaper.
  • Check your baby’s mouth for the tongue tie or lip tie if there is any issue during latching.
  • Experiment with different feeding positions and continue with the one suitable for your needs.

How to Latch Your Baby?

To achieve successful feeding, the first thing to do is to help your baby latch. The infants are so tiny and have no proper practice of latching.

However, their mothers can try to help them latch by aiming the nipple just above their baby’s top lip. Baby must turn towards you like a fish.

Here are a few steps that can help your baby latch:

  • Hold the baby close to your chest with their nose parallel to the nipple.
  • Let the baby struggle to find the nipple for a while.
  • When your baby opens its mouth, touch the breast first to its upper lip so that it finds it easy to reach you as much as possible.
  • Keep these steps repeating until your baby latches successfully.

How to Breastfeed Successfully?

Breastfeeding is a skill that mothers learn on their motherhood journey. This is the first skill to learn, as your baby’s nourishment is in your hands.

Many different positions and techniques are helpful for new mothers.

New mothers must check the following points to be successful in their aim. These points will not only help them learn how to breastfeed their baby but also help them question what is going wrong during the whole procedure.

Check the following points:

  • Are you comfortable enough while feeding your baby? Use pillows and cushions around your body to relax your arms and shoulders.
  • Are you holding your baby right? Support your neck and arms in a way that makes it easy to have the baby in position for a long time.
  • Is your baby’s head and body in a straight line? Ensure you keep your baby in the right direction, as it helps them swallow the milk quickly.
  • Do you allow your baby to latch themselves? Avoid leaning on your baby occasionally, which can lead to poor attachment.
  • Does your baby get a big mouthful of breasts? Place your baby’s nose level with your nipple to encourage them to open their mouth wide and feed properly.

5 Right Breastfeeding Positions

Before starting proper breastfeeding, you must understand which positions are for you. You should choose positions where you feel comfortable and safe while feeding your baby.

Try the following positions to see which works for you and your baby:

1: Laid back

The laid-back breastfeeding position, also known as the biological nurturing position, is where the mother reclines comfortably. At the same time, the baby lies on their stomach, aligned with the mother’s body.

This position is highly beneficial, allowing you to relax while facilitating easy attachment for your baby. This position is precious during the early days as you and your baby adjust to breastfeeding.

2: Side-lying position

The side-lying breastfeeding position is prevalent among mothers, especially during the night. It involves the mother lying on her side with the baby positioned on their side, facing the breast.

Moreover, this position allows both mother and baby to rest comfortably while facilitating breastfeeding. It is beneficial for nighttime feedings or mothers recovering from a cesarean section.

To feed your baby in this position:

Lie down facing your baby, ensuring that both you and your baby are positioned comfortably.

Support your neck and back for optimal comfort, and make sure your baby’s chest is aligned with your chest.

Use the arm you are lying on either to support your head or to support your baby by placing it under their head or around their body.

Additionally, you can also place a pillow or rolled-up blanket behind your baby’s back for additional support. Position your baby so their nose is close to your nipple.

This will allow your baby to smell the breast milk, open their mouth wide, and locate the nipple.

3: Football hold

The football hold, also known as the clutch hold, is a breastfeeding position where the baby is tucked under your arm, facing the breast, and supported by your arm and hand. This position can be beneficial if you’re recovering from a cesarean section.

Sit in a comfortable chair with good back support. Hold the baby along your side with their head near your breast and their body resting along your forearm.

Moreover, use your hand to support the baby’s head and neck and your arm to support their body. Your hand can be used to gently guide the baby’s mouth to your nipple.

Keep an eye on the latch to ensure it’s deep and comfortable. You can use your other hand to help support the breast if needed.

4: Cradle hold

The cradle hold is the correct position that involves holding your baby with one arm while supporting your breast with the opposite hand.

This position provides reasonable control over the baby’s head and helps facilitate a proper latch.

Furthermore, it delivers better control over the baby’s head and body, allowing you to guide them into the proper latch position.

Cradle hold allows for good support of both the baby and the mother’s arms, reducing strain on the shoulders and back.

5: Koala hold

Koala hold, also known as the upright breastfeeding position, is ideal for older babies who have developed some head and neck control.

It’s particularly effective for babies with reflux or those struggling to manage their milk flow.

In this hold, your baby sits upright, straddling your leg. You can gently support their back and neck with one hand while using the other hand to hold and guide your breast.


What is the proper technique for breastfeeding?

There are different techniques and positions for breastfeeding properly. All the positions and techniques aim to be successful in feeding the kid, which is possible when you can aim your nipple on the roof of their mouth. Your baby grabs the nipple in the right direction and starts feeding.

What are the five steps of breastfeeding?

The five basic steps to breastfeeding include:

  • Sit comfortably and find the best spot where you can relax while feeding.
  • Look for support to relax your arms and shoulders after a while.
  • Choose the most accessible position which allows you to feed the baby for a long time.
  • Gently support your baby’s head and shoulders.
  • Use your nipple to tickle your baby’s upper lip until they open their mouth wide.

How do you breastfeed effectively?

Trying different positions and techniques helps mothers understand what works for them. Additionally, latching practice before the baby or a lactation consultant can help breastfeed effectively.

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