Is frenectomy a painful process or not – This a question that is often directed to us at Tongue Tie Phoneix by parents whose babies are dealing with ankyloglossia.
Ankyloglossia is when a newborn suffers from a short frenulum (a skin flap attached to the bottom of the mouth). This causes the baby to suffer from limited tongue motion.
Ankyloglossia is not a fatal condition, but it causes breastfeeding and breathing issues. Therefore, mending this congenital issue as soon as possible is crucial.
Frenectomy is a contemporary procedure designed to cure and treat ankyloglossia.
Nowadays, laser ferenctomy is all the rage.
What is the Procedure of Laser Frenectomy?
Back in the day, doctors would surgically remove excessive tissue with the help of a scalpel.
But, nowadays, doctors use lasers to vaporize the excessive tissue. The energy of the light vaporizes the extra tissue.
So, for all those who are asking, “How long does frenectomy pain last, or does a frenectomy hurt a baby?
The answer is no.
Laser frenectomy is a painless experience that ensures minimal bleeding.
What are the Causes of Getting a Frenectomy?
Two conditions can cause a person to resort to frenectomy:
1- Labial Frenum
It is the connecting tissue between the upper lip and the upper gum. The intense connection of the tissue to the gum sometimes leads to a gap between the front teeth.
This gap reduces people’s self-esteem. This aggressive attachment of the tissue results in severe pain in the jaw.
2- Lingual Frenum
This is the connecting tissue between the tongue’s lower part and the mouth’s floor.
When the tissue is far-fetched, it restricts movement, causing problems in eating and drinking, and the person also suffers from speech impairment. This condition is also called being tongue-tied.
What are the Types of Frenectomy?
Frenectomy is a minimally invasive oral procedure. The attached frenum might cause discomfort for the patients.
Depending on the type of attached frenum, there are two types of frenectomy:
Labial Frenectomy
Dentists mainly advise their patients to wait for the growth of the two upper teeth. Because naturally, once the teeth develop, the gap is neutralized on its own. This nullifies the need for a frenectomy.
But if the gap is left even after the growth of the teeth concludes, the dentists perform labial frenectomy.
The doctor will remove the attached tissue by using dissolvable sutures.
Lingual Frenectomy
The dentist performs a lingual frenectomy when the patient, primarily children, continually faces discomfort during eating or drinking. The patient must lift the tongue, and then the doctor divides the frenum.
Symptoms that Baby Needs a Frenectomy
Your baby might require a lower lip frenectomy if he or she is exhibiting the following symptoms:
Symptoms that Adults Need a Frenectomy
Adults exhibiting the following symptoms might require frenectomy:
Laser frenectomy for adults is a minimally invasive procedure. However, the lower lip frenectomy recovery rate in adults is also stellar.
The doctors can induce numbness sometimes because of the thickness of the tied tissue.
What are the Benefits of Getting a Frenectomy?
Apart from a better quality of life and a boost in self-esteem, these are some of the other perks of getting a frenectomy (depending on its type)
Benefits of Labial Frenectomy
Patients who undergo labial frenectomy enjoy better bite function, enhanced facial aesthetics, absence of tooth gap, and oral comfort.
Benefits of Lingual Frenectomy
Linquial frenectomy leads to clear speech, increased appetite, and absence of jaw tightness.
Is Frenectomy Painful for Adults?
No, a laser frenectomy is a two or three-minute procedure that requires no numbing, and it does not hurt at all.
But in the case of thick-tied tissue, adults might experience a minor soreness in the jaw.
What does a Ferentomy Feel Like?
People often think that getting a ferenctomy will impair their speech. But that is not the case.
Apart from the numbness and a minor soreness during the first week, a frenectomy is a pain-free experience that effectively solves the lip or tongue-tie issues.
What to Expect after a Ferenctomy?
Some people might have this notion that a ferenctomy can run their smiles.
That is not the case. A frenectomy can enhance your facial aesthetics, promoting a more appealing smile.
After some days of getting a ferenctomy, you will notice a small white patch. The patch is the first sign of healing. Some aftereffects, such as minimal bleeding and soreness of the jaws, will also fade away within the first week.
The stitches will fade away in the second week, and the healing patch will shrink. A new frenulum will be in the place of the healing patch. This frenulum will be reshaped and properly positioned.
The Bottom Line
On the whole, a ferenctomy is a safe process. Babies born with tied tongues often require this procedure to reduce the complication. Some adults also need this procedure if they suffer from tied tongue issues.
You can contact the doctors at Tongue Tie Phoneix if you need more information. They will assess your or your baby’s condition and guide you accordingly.